Research Areas : Theory

Theoretical computer scientists seek greater understanding of fundamental computational techniques and their inherent limitations. Research includes the development of new sequential and parallel algorithms, computational problems in databases, computational geometry, design and analysis of programs and programming languages, and supporting studies in combinatorial, logical, and algebraic mathematics.

Faculty Research Focus
Dan Boneh applied cryptography, network security 
Moses Charikar theoretical computer science, design and analysis of algorithms, with an emphasis on approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems, metric embeddings and algorithmic techniques for massive data set 
John T. Gill, III complexity, probabilistic computation, data compression, error control codes 
Ashish Goel Networks, self-assembly, Internet commerce, social networks and reputation systems, fairness 
Daphne Koller probability theory, decision theory, game theory, probabilistic inference 
Zohar Manna formal verification 
John Mitchell computer security: access control, network protocols, privacy, software systems, web security 
Vijay Pande N/A 
Serge Plotkin theoretical computer science, combinatorial optimization, networking, distributed computation, security 
Vaughan Pratt handheld PCs, chu spaces, concurrency modeling 
Tim Roughgarden algorithms, network and combinatorial optimization, game theory 
Luca Trevisan theoretical computer Science 
Greg Valiant algorithms, learning, applied probability, and statistics; evolution and game theory  
Ryan Williams algorithms and complexity theory 
Virginia Vassilevska Williams designing algorithms for shortest paths, pattern detection and other computational problems in graphs and matrices, and computational issues in social choice: when and how can one efficiently manipulate elections, tournaments and competitions, how to meas 
A Security Evaluation of DNSSEC with NSEC3
A Website in Your Pocket: A Large Scale Security Analysis of Mobile Web Apps
Address Space Layout Randomization in Android
APPeers: Cooperative Networked Control of Dynamical Peer-to-Peer Vehicle Systems
Approximation Algorithms
Collaborative Learning with CourseWare
Counting Small Cliques in Social Networks via Triangle-Preserving Decompositions
Efficiently Discovering Privacy-Leaking Association Rules in Large Medical Discharge Databases
Junction: A Decentralized Platform for Ad Hoc Mobile and Social Applications
Legion: Programming Distributed Heterogeneous Architectures with Logical Regions
On the Ability of Mobile Sensor Networks to Diffuse Information
Password Managers: Risks, Pitfalls, and Improvements
PORTIA: Managing sensitive information in a wired world
Privacy, Discovery, and Authentication for the Internet of Things
PwdHash - Web Password Hashing
Statistical Learning and Docking Uncover the Reaction Coordinates of a GPCR
Stochastic Optimization of x86-64 Binaries
Understanding Attrition in MOOCs