Alex Aiken
compilers, static race detection, debugging, algorithms, programming languages
Peter Bailis
coordination avoidance in large scale transaction processing, data serving, and statistical analytics tasks
Dan Boneh
applied cryptography, network security
David Cheriton
distributed systems
William Dally
high-speed signaling, multiprocessor architecture, graphics architecture, VLSI systems
David Dill
computational systems biology, formal verification techniques
Dawson Engler
source code analysis; software quality and security
Ron Fedkiw
computational algorithms for applications in computational fluid dynamics, computer graphics, biomechanics
Michael J. Flynn
systems architecture
Hector Garcia-Molina
distributed systems, information integration, database systems
Leonidas Guibas
computational geometry, image processing, graphics, computer vision, sensor networks, robotics, discrete algorithms
Patrick Hanrahan
visualization, graphics systems/architectures, rendering algorithms
Jeffrey M. Heer
human-computer interaction, visualization, social computing
John Hennessy
computer architecture
Mark Horowitz
digital circuit design, VLSI systems, computer architecture
Scott Klemmer
human-computer interaction
Vladlen Koltun
interactive computer graphics, 3D modeling, character animation
Christos Kozyrakis
transactional memory, architectural support for security, power management techniques
Monica Lam
Mobile and social computing, platforms and applications, HCI and security
Philip Levis
sensor networks
Marc Levoy
light field photography, 3D scanning, rendering
David Luckham
complex event processing
David Mazières
secure computing
Edward McCluskey
logic testing, synthesis, design for testability, and fault-tolerant computing
Nick McKeown
network architecture, backbone network design, congestion control, clean slate internet design
Teresa Meng
circuit optimization, neural signal processing, and computation architectures for systems biology
John Mitchell
computer security: access control, network protocols, privacy, software systems, web security
Subhasish Mitra
robust system design, VLSI design & test, computer architecture, design for emerging nanotechnologies, biomedical applications
Oyekunle Olukotun
pervasive parallelism, computer architecture, parallel programming environments and scalable parallel systems
John K. Ousterhout
web application development, storage systems, and operating systems
Balaji Prabhakar
computer and wireless networks, algorithms, stochastic network theory
Christopher Ré
enable users and developers to build applications that more deeply understand and exploit data
Mendel Rosenblum
disk storage management, computer simulation techniques, scalable operating system structure, virtualization, computer security
Fouad Tobagi
wireless networks, multimedia communication (video streaming, voice over IP), mobile networking,
Jeff Ullman
database theory, database integration, data mining, and education using the information infrastructure
Ge Wang
computer music, programming language and interactive software design, mobile and social music, laptop orchestra, interaction design
Jennifer Widom
information management
Gio Wiederhold
valuation of intangibles in software
Terry Winograd
human-computer interaction
Keith Winstein
statistical and predictive apporaches to teach computers to design better network protocols and applications